Rapid antigen tests are quick and straightforward tests that can tell you whether or not someone is likely to have COVID-19 in their system.
Some tests may be performed at home or in private by you, while others must be performed under the supervision of a health expert. It is important to understand which tests are most appropriate for your company.
The advantages of quick antigen tests for business are many.
- It is simple and safe to use.
- It is relatively inexpensive.
- It provides results in minutes.
- Frequent rapid antigen tests (2-3 times a week) may detect COVID-19 infections in patients who do not show any symptoms, allowing for the prevention of transmission and big outbreaks by identifying infections early.
- Reduce the length of time you or your workers are required to be away from your organization for precautionary standard (PCR) rapid antigen tests.
- Increase employee trust in returning to in-person work after being absent for PCR rapid antigen tests.
The accuracy of rapid antigen tests is important.
Rapid antigen tests will identify the vast majority of cases of COVID-19, but they are not as accurate as of the standard (PCR) test in detecting the virus.
Rapid antigen tests are more reliable when performed by someone who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 – external site – external site – external site or when performed on a regular basis, such as twice a week for example.
If you get a positive result from a quick antigen test for COVID-19, you should follow the health recommendations for your state or territory.

COVID-19 rapid antigen tests are available in many varieties.
Rapid antigen tests are classified into two categories: point-of-care (POC) assays and in-vitro rapid antigen tests.
Requirements for each state and territory
In accordance with their public health regulations, various states and territories may have varied instructions for testing and reporting positive findings.
Follow the most recent information about quick antigen tests in your state or territory to stay on top of things.
Rapid antigen tests and the future of your company
Employees that take COVID-19 self- rapid antigen tests at home and bring in documentation of a negative test result before entering the office are part of a growing number of organizations that have introduced rapid antigen tests systems into their company operations.
If you want to include a rapid antigen tests program into your business operations, it’s critical that you understand your legal obligations. Before you begin, you should consider the following:
- How you will check the findings of the rapid antigen test.
- Which sort of test is most appropriate for your company.
- The location where you will buy your rapid antigen tests.
- How you intend to record, report, and keep the findings of the testing; and how you intend to dispose of the results of completed rapid antigen tests. Check the waste management regulations in your state or territory to see what duties you have and what services are available to you.
We suggest that you get counsel from a legal or business specialist in order to determine whether or not it is the best course of action for your company.
Where can I get quick antigen tests?
• Point-of-care rapid antigen tests (PoC rapid antigen tests) – Business owners may acquire Point-of-Care rapid antigen tests (PoC rapid antigen tests) by directly contacting test vendors (sponsors).
In addition to being accessible online and in pharmacies and supermarkets, self-rapid antigen tests will be offered to start on November 1. On the TGA website, you may see a list of items that have been authorized – external site – external site.
To ensure that you are protected while ordering rapid antigen tests, it is critical that you be aware of fraud and deceptive marketing practices. Here are some suggestions to assist you to avoid falling victim to testing scams:
- Check that the company from which you are purchasing rapid antigen tests is a reputable and legitimate one that can validate the quality of the rapid antigen tests.
- When shopping online, look for a URL that begins with “https” and a closed padlock symbol to indicate that the information you are transmitting is secure.
- Avoid paying in advance through a money order, wire transfer, international funds transfer, pre-loaded card, or electronic currency such as Bitcoin. • Avoid paying in advance with a credit card.
- Pay close attention to the communication from your frequent suppliers, since fraudsters may pose as a company with whom you do business on a regular basis. Verify any requests to adjust payment arrangements by phoning them on a recognized and trusted phone number to ensure that they are legitimate.
- Request estimates from many suppliers to assist you in determining the most competitive pricing.
- Maintain records of the delivery of rapid antigen tests, as well as the specifications and user instructions.
Your privacy responsibilities when it comes to rapid antigen tests
A number of particular sections dealing with medical and health information are included in the Australian privacy law. If you’re thinking about doing proof of concept testing, it’s critical that you understand the legal requirements for data collecting and the appropriate use of sensitive health information.
Rapid antigen tests as a component of your COVID-19 emergency preparedness plan
Rapid antigen tests are one method of monitoring and safeguarding your company against COVID-19, but they should not be used in lieu of other measures such as hand sanitisers, masks, and social distance…
If you are considering implementing a rapid antigen tests program in your company, you should think about how it will fit into your overall COVID-19 emergency management strategy before proceeding. visit https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/best-practices to know more about COVID planning.
If your company provides quick antigen test kits, you are in the right business.
GST (Goods and Services Tax) is included.
It is necessary to add GST in the pricing of rapid antigen COVID-19 test kits if you want to sell them to customers. This is due to the fact that rapid antigen COVID-19 test kits do not qualify as a medical aid or appliance’ as defined in either Schedule 3 to the GST Act or the GST Regulations, and as a result, they are not exempt from GST.
Price-setting authority is retained by businesses when it comes to their goods or services. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and your local state or territory agency have no involvement in determining pricing.
The Australian Consumer Law, on the other hand, protects consumers against firms engaging in unconscionable behavior – external site – external site. This implies that you should avoid taking advantage of clients, particularly if your product or service is vital to public health or safety, such as quick antigen tests kits.
In spite of the fact that there is no specific legal definition for unconscionable behavior, you should always make sure that your actions are not so severe that they are in conflict with your morals.